So its been almost a week since we got back from our trip DISNEYLAND. We had such a great time and we are glad that Devry and Preston were able to put up with us because it wouldn't have been the same without them. But needless to say we made memories while we were there. Here are a few pictures to show.
Travis and I at Universal Studios with this family who thought we wanted them in our picture!
Universal Studios was one of Travis's favorite parts of the trip.
The teams clearing the dug outs even the pitchers warming up ran across the field to join in.
Devry and I with the Easter Bunny at the Game on Easter Sunday
One of my favorite parts of the trip was the first day in California when we went to an Anaheim Angels vs. Boston Red Sox game. I was super excited about this because my favorite team is the Red Sox and although they lost they definetly didn't let us down. They had two times where both teams cleared the dug outs fighting with each other and than there were 5 people in our section who got kicked out. Talk about entertaining.
Travis and I anxiously awaiting the game. (He was pretty exicted that my Red Sox didn't win the game.. Big Shocker Huh?!)